Yale University2015 - 2019
B.S. in Computer Science and French
  • Computer science thesis topic: Producing Prouns, genetic algorithms for biomechanically plausible digital art.
  • French thesis topic: Le satanisme prométhéen des Fleurs du Mal (Promethean satanism in the Flowers of Evil).
University of Washington Institute for Protein DesignMay 2023 - Present
Volunteer Researcher
Developing machine learning models that predict protein structures and invent new proteins.
DASI SimulationsJun 2022 - Present
Lead Visualization Programmer
Developing a novel, interactive visualization and measurement tool for AI-assisted structural heart intervention planning.
MicrosoftAug 2019 - Present
Software Engineer IIFeb 2021 - Present
Mixed Reality developer platform team, Mesh extensibility team.
Creating app development frameworks for mixed reality devices such as HoloLens 2 and Meta Quest so that developers familiar with well-established libraries like React and Babylon.js can build immersive content.
  • Building extensibility frameworks into Microsoft Mesh, paving the way for 1st and 3rd-party integrations into customizable social spaces.
  • Optimized Babylon.js on HoloLens 2. Brought framerate up to a smooth 60fps in typical rendering scenarios.
  • Ported Microsoft's mixed reality design language into Babylon.js, allowing web developers to build visually responsive experiences in AR and VR.
Software EngineerAug 2019 - Feb 2021
Software Engineering InternMay 2018 - Aug 2018
Hito SteyerlMar 2018 - Jul 2021
Lead Immersive Simulations Programmer
Worked 1:1 with contemporary artist Hito Steyerl, implementing her vision for a variety of AI-driven simulations and mobile AR applications, all exhibited in museums around Europe.
  • Power Plants, Serpentine North Gallery, London, UK, 11 Apr - 6 May 2019
  • Power Plants, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany, 23 Nov - 26 Jan 2020
  • Dancing Mania XR, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen K21 Online, Berlin, Germany, Apr 2020
  • Power Plants, Dancing Mania, & Prouns, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 19 May - 5 Jul 2021
FyrnoJun 2016 - May 2017
Co-founder, CTO, Full-Stack Developer
Co-founded Fyrno as an LLC with three others in the summer of 2015 through a fellowship with the Yale Entrepreneurial Institute.
Built a mobile app and social network that simplifies artist discovery by helping users find and share new music and attend quality, affordable performances by those artists with their friends.
Honors & Awards
Overall winner and Best Creation of an Empathetic ExperienceFeb 2019
Yale's Center for Collaborative Arts & Media @ Reality of Global Climate Change Mixed Reality Hackathon
Built a game in virtual reality with a small team to evoke visceral urgency when presented with the overwhelming yearly increase in number of acres burned by wildfires in California.
Best Use of Virtual Reality in a HackNov 2015
Facebook @ YHack
Built a multiplayer social space in virtual reality with a small team in which participants could customize their space and interact with full-body avatars.